
  • Introduction: Scepticism or cynicism

    I heard this story on the radio. An atheist is driving down a city street, desperately looking for a parking space. The multi-storeys are full. The...
  • What a Comeback Reviews

    ‘Not only is this a cogent and convincing account of the events of Jesus’ death and resurrection, it has a gripping, easy-to-read style and a warm...
  • Who Stole Christmas? set for release

    Covid makes new Christmas book even more relevant, says Pastor. Lots of people this year will feel like Covid-19 has robbed them of Christmas. Whe...
  • What A Comeback! follow up evangelistic book to Who Stole Christmas?

    Will life begin again at Easter? It already has, says Pastor. Last year Phil Heaps wrote his sell-out book ‘Who Stole Christmas?’.Now, with people...
  • New book on depression due for release

    It is estimated that 1 in 3 people will suffer some form of mentalhealth issue in their lifetime. This is not a problem from whichpastors are immu...
  • Association: Local independent Baptist churches in fellowship and mission

    The Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE) is celebrating its 150th anniversary this September and Grace Publications are releasing Associatio...